Stunning Online Blastomussa Coral Frags for Your Coral Reef Aquarium
Blastomussa corals are a large, pretty LPS coral available in a variety of colors and color combinations. Another LPS coral native to the reefs on the Indo-Pacific, Blastos (reefers love to abbreviate) have a large polyp framed by folds and tentacles that make the margins of the polyp look almost raggedy. That would be raggedy in an especially lovely way, as the contours of a happy, turgid Big Polyp Blasto provide color, texture and ample surface area for the photosynthetic zooxanthellae that provide most of the nutrition this coral needs. The two Blastomussa species most commonly found in the reefkeeping hobby are the slightly smaller Blastomussa merletti and the larger-polyped Blastomussa wellsi.
Blastomussa Coral Care Guide
Experience Level
We recommend that our clients have a mature reef system with stable water quality parameters and previous success with LPS corals before adding one or more of our online Blastomussa coral frags to their quarantine systems and displays. Blastos are hardy but generally require a bit more experience to achieve success. Although we love selling our coral frags to our clients, we much prefer that they’re set up for success and understand the specifics of caring for these corals before making this investment in their collection.
Optimal Water Quality Parameters
- Temperature: 72-78F, 22-25C
- pH: 8.1-8.3
- dKH: 7-11 (125-200ppm CaCO3 equivalent)
- Calcium: 375-450ppm
- Magnesium: 1275-1350ppm
- Salinity: 35ppt
- Ammonia (NH3): less than 0.1ppm
- Nitrite (NO2): less than 0.2ppm
- Nitrate (NO3): less than 0.2ppm
- Phosphates (PO4): less than 0.03ppm
Lighting Preferences:
Blastomussa coral frags prefer the moderate lighting most often found in the middle to lower part of a reef tank. As you know, your lighting provides the energy that the symbiotic algae need to provide glucose and other nutrients to the polyp and colony as a whole. So after acclimation, closely monitor the color, posture and size of each Blasto polyp to ensure that they are getting the wavelengths of light and photoperiods they need to thrive. At first, place your new frag in a spot in the lower half of your reef tank and let it adjust for at least a week or longer before you decide to move it to an area with more intense lighting.
Water Flow Preferences:
You’ll also want to choose a spot with lower, indirect flows from your inflows and powerheads. Water flows that are too strong or sustained will cause the polyps to shrink in order to protect themselves, thereby starving your zooxanthellae and the host colony from that energy. In time and with careful observation, you can experiment with slightly stronger, irregular flows but as always, make sure to allow enough time between adjustments. Only then will you develop an experienced coralhead’s sense of too much, too little and just right.
Placement Considerations:
Blastomussa are not a particularly aggressive coral but can and will sting other inverts that are placed too closely or grow into their space. Usually, the greater threat is the mesentery filaments and tentacles of more aggressive corals nearby that can sting and harm the tissue in your Blasto colony. If you see discoloration or shrinking of the tissue on the outside of your Blasto polyps, they’re probably getting stung. Either move them or place a barrier of rock between them to prevent further damage.
Feeding Considerations:
When you get the lighting and flow dialed in for your new Blasto frag, your zooxanthellae will do most of the feeding for you but where’s the fun in that? As long as you don’t overdo it, adding small amounts of plankton-type foods to your polyps occasionally will result in better overall growth. Just make sure that you don’t feed more than the polyps can digest before adding more food and, as always, closely monitor and chart your WQ params to make sure you’re not adding more nutrients than your filtration can remove.
Healthy, Quarantined Blastomussa Frags Online from
If you’re ready to take your reefkeeping skills to the next level and/or you want to add a pretty splash of color and texture to your coral reef, please browse our collection of Blasto frags and place your orders with confidence. We carefully screen all our corals on an ongoing basis to help ensure that they are happy, healthy and not hiding Aiptasia and other undesirables. We don’t want any pests in our systems and we most definitely don’t want any in your systems, either. So buy your Online Blasto frags from us with confidence and happy reefing!
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